Paul Khuong: some Lisp

Virtual memory: something old

Mar 3rd, 2015 | Comments

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Mapping virtual addresses to physical memory is slow. However, it’s hard to avoid that step on multi-user systems; in fact, x86-64 doesn’t even have raw addresses in 64 bit mode. The pressure on efficient virtual memory mapping is such that even the 386 had specialised hardware to speed up the translation. When presented with a powerful abstraction that cannot be avoided (and which hardware works hard to support well), clever hackers inevitably come up with tricks to exploit that abstraction and make software simpler or more efficient. However, the growth of RAM and datasets since the 80s spurred the development of recent hardware features that are completely changing the performance envelope of address translation. It looks like developers for memory-intensive applications will soon get to relive challenges previously associated with raw physical memory addressing.

Why does virtual memory incur an overhead?

Virtual memory mostly plays two roles. The first one is preventing processes from stomping on one another or on the kernel, and the second is to let developers pretend they (almost) fully control individual processes that can consume large amounts of memory. Access control leads to features like memory protection, which can also be used to implement paging and memory-mapped files. The idea that processes are lightweight virtual machines is more “interesting”: it means that different processes on the same machines should be able to have different chunks of physical memory at the same virtual address. Some operating systems implement only protection, without virtualisation; it’s an interesting trade off, but mostly it’s an exotic one that we don’t see outside the embedded space (where developers control machines, and not just programs). Full address virtualisation means that every memory access must first translate a virtual address to a physical address (i.e., a signal pattern for RAM chips). Nowadays, we rarely use swap memory, and that’s the main overhead of virtual memory: mapping virtual to physical addresses.

Fully general address virtualisation would probably be something like an arbitrary dictionary from virtual address to physical address at a word or byte granularity. That’s clearly unnecessary and hard to implement (caching would be “interesting”). On x86 and x86-64 machines, the mapping instead happens on a 4 KB page granularity: each aligned virtual address page of 4 KB maps to nothing or to a physical page, also on a 4 KB boundary. This choice reduces the amount of data used to map virtual addresses (we map pages, not bytes), and exploits an expectation of spatial locality: if a program accesses address X, it’s likely to read from or write to an address not far from X (e.g., another field in the same object).


Hacking with virtual memory

28 years later
